Approach Care

9 AM - 5 PM

Clyde North, VIC

Melbourne, VIC

Approach care - NDIS Services

Group and Center Based Activities

Promoting Full and Happy Lives: Abilities Enabled Activities and Programs

Group/Centre Based Activities for Social Inclusion

Abilities Enabled is dedicated to offering a diverse range of activities and programs tailored to empower our customers in leading fulfilling and joyful lives. Our programs are strategically designed to foster social inclusion, interaction, and personal growth. The goal is to help individuals find their unique place in the world where they are appreciated and comfortable within their surroundings.

Center-Based Activities for Socialization

Abilities Enabled provides Center-Based Activities and Groups that encourage socialization and self-directed skill-building. These activities are facilitated by our dedicated support workers and are designed to be both engaging and enriching.

Diverse Range of Center-Based Activities

Our Center-Based Activities and Groups encompass a broad spectrum of options, including:

  1. Arts and Crafts Activities: Encouraging creativity and self-expression.

  2. Music & Dance: Promoting the joy of music and movement.

  3. Computer Skills & Scrabble Playing & Scrapbooking: Enhancing digital literacy and fostering cognitive development.

  4. Kitchen and Cooking Skills: Building culinary expertise and independence.

  5. Communication Skills, Signage Drawing, and Identifying: Strengthening communication abilities and language skills.

  6. Play Dough Class & Puzzle Solving: Stimulating problem-solving and creativity.

  7. Money Management and Keeping Safe: Developing financial literacy and personal safety awareness.

  8. Bowling and BBQ: Encouraging physical activity and communal dining.

  9. Visiting Old Dubbo Gaol: Exploring local history and heritage.

  10. Community League Tag: Participating in team sports and camaraderie.

  11. Library, Shopping Center & Parks/Zoo: Encouraging literacy, leisurely outings, and wildlife appreciation.

  12. RSL Water Fitness Community: Fostering physical fitness in a community setting.

  13. Social Group Community – Community Inclusion: Building social connections and community involvement.

  14. High Needs Sensory: Catering to sensory stimulation and relaxation.

  15. Sewing/Cooking/Community Garden – Life Skills: Developing practical life skills.

  16. Sports of Choice: Encouraging participation in preferred sports activities.

Individualized Community Supports

Additionally, we offer one-on-one support in the community to meet specific individual needs and preferences. These supports encompass a wide array of activities, such as:

  1. Essential Shopping: Assistance with essential shopping.

  2. Gym (Healthy Lifestyles): Supporting healthy lifestyle choices.

  3. School Leaver Employment Supports (SLES): Aiding in the transition from school to employment.

  4. Photography & Fitness (Community): Promoting creativity and physical fitness.

  5. Library/Reading/Writing: Encouraging literacy and learning.

  6. Swimming: Participating in swimming activities.

  7. Movie of Choice: Enjoying preferred movie experiences.

  8. Recognizing Progression, Accessing Local Services + Goal Setting & Action: Supporting individual progress and goal achievement.

  9. Bush or Choice of Walk and More: Tailoring activities to meet the individual’s unique needs, preferences, and control over their choices.

Contact Approach Care If You Need NDIS Support

For those in Western Australia seeking NDIS support services, Approach Care is a registered NDIS support service provider offering quality NDIS services aimed at enhancing the lives of people with disabilities. Reach out to Approach Care for assistance with NDIS supports, including disability advice, to improve your life and develop your skills.

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